REACH Study Results

REACH Study Results is a collection of non-confidential substance data that was submitted to ECHA under the REACH regulation. ECHA believes that making these data downloadable is yet another step forward towards the goals of REACH - both in terms of improving the safe use of chemicals, for example through improved safety data sheets, and, the development and use of alternative methods. The REACH Regulation stipulates that data are to be “made publicly available, free of charge”.


Refreshed data were published on June 12th 2023. The source of this data is the ECHA website on May 23th 2023. Compared to the previous version from August 2022, this version contains 278 new substances. For the substances that were also present in the previous version, an eighth of the dossiers contain data that have been modified. The affected dossiers are indicated in the List of substances.

Content of the data

REACH Study Results contains results from studies that relate to physical-chemical properties, environmental fate and pathways, and, ecotoxicology and toxicological information. The figure below illustrates the sections in IUCLID from which data have been taken.

Data relating to the CLP regulation from section 2 in IUCLID is not included in REACH Study Results. It is available on the ECHA website where it is updated more frequently than REACH Study Results. For example it is possible to search the C&L Inventory.

Selecting and using the data

The data are derived from data that are already accessible on the ECHA website, however only the results of studies are presented, and in a reduced form. On the ECHA website, data can be viewed only one substance at a time, whereas REACH Study Results allows data to be read in bulk. The results are made available to download in a zip/7z archive that contains dossiers in IUCLID format (i6z) version 6.6. Data for approximately 23,000 substances is included. A list of the substances is provided above in Excel format. This way of delivering REACH Study Results allows users to import in to a local instance of IUCLID, only the substances in which they are interested. Once imported, the data can be read and processed using software tools that are available on this website:

The version of IUCLID must be 6.6 or later. It is recommended to use the most recent version of IUCLID, available here

Frequency of update

REACH registrations are continually updated and submitted to ECHA. In response to the ever-growing volume of data, and technological developments, in 2024 ECHA changed how it publishes this data publicly. The result is a new chemicals database known as ECHA CHEM. For more information, please visit our Support Page. Consequently, the format and frequency of publication of REACH Study Results are under review. The next publication date is not yet known. To receive news on this subject and other aspects of IUCLID, sign up to the newsletter via an account on this site.

Terms of use

The data may be downloaded only after acceptance of the terms and conditions, the provision of contact details, and the purpose for which the data will be used. Before using the data, you are advised to read carefully the terms and conditions because it states, among other things, how the data may be used. For example, the data may not be used for registration under the REACH Regulation. Moreover, it should be recalled that the data derives from REACH registration dossiers, and as such there are no guarantees/warranties pertaining to its quality and fitness for purpose.