REACH Study Results updated

A new version of REACH Study Results is available, with 250 new substances added since March 2020. It contains non-confidential substance data in IUCLID format, that were submitted to ECHA under the REACH regulation.

REACH Study Results contain results from studies that relate to: physical-chemical properties, environmental fate and pathways, and ecotoxicology and toxicological information. REACH Study Results is an alternative way of delivering substance data already published on the ECHA website under:

ECHA > Information on Chemicals > Registered substances

On the ECHA website data may be viewed only one substance at a time, but REACH Study Results allows data to be imported in bulk in to a local installation of IUCLID, and then analysed using the IUCLID 6 REST Public API, the IUCLID Data Extractor or, an advanced IUCLID search tool. An index is provided of the approximately 23,000 substances, which allows users to identify and import only the substances of interest. 

REACH registrations are continually updated and submitted to ECHA. Therefore, we plan to update the Reach Study Results twice a year: March and September. This will allow you to have access to the latest REACH data.

More information on REACH Study Results