Template manager (ITEM)
The management of the IUCLID format is supported by a web application hosted by ECHA, the IUCLID template manager (ITEM). It supports the specification, development and testing of the IUCLID format, which includes the OECD Harmonised Templates. It is remotely available and can be used to share specifications with external parties, for example OECD or other regulatory authorities wishing to customise IUCLID for their own needs.
- Download the ITEM user manual (30/06/2020)
ITEM is used by business users to specify what IT developers should later implement in order to create new IUCLID Documents and new IUCLID submission types. It is recommended to first work on an ITEM document template (using a text editor such as Word) together with the relevant business persons in order to define the content of the format and to agree on the type of information collected.
- Download the IUCLID document template for ITEM
ITEM has been built to be the bridge between the business and the IT developers in order to specify:
New IUCLID documents
New IUCLID submission types (Table of Contents)
Once entered in ITEM the specifications can be implemented in IUCLID 6 with minimum efforts as ECHA and the IUCLID developers have automated most of the conversion process from the ITEM specifications until their implementation in IUCLID.
Technically, legislation-specific documents are packaged in a IUCLID definition provider that can be added to IUCLID in order to extend its format and submission types according to the needs of specific legislations.
Please contact the IUCLID team for more information.