Report functions
This document outlines two types of out-of-the-box functions and macros which you can use when creating IUCLID Freemarker Report Templates (FTLs).
The first type of function is the in-built .iuclid function that can be passed to the FTL template. This in-built function is typically used to access the IUCLID data model.
The second type of function are Freemarker functions/macros which support the building of templates, for example to quickly call datatypes, or to get other repeatable elements.
List of in-built IUCLID functions
Level | Function name “iuclid.” (with (<parameters>) to parse) | Description |
Entity | iuclid.webUrl.entityView(<document variable>.documentKey) |
Get the URL of the main Entity, such as a Substance or a Mixture. Example get the parent entity URL for a study. <#assign docUrl=iuclid.webUrl.entityView(study.documentKey)/>
Document | iuclid.webUrl.documentView(<document variable>.documentKey) |
Get the URL of a section document. Example get the document URL for a study. <#assign docUrl=iuclid.webUrl.documentView(study.documentKey) />
Entity and Document | iuclid.getDocumentForKey(<IUCLID field path to reference>) |
This function gets the Document key for either an Entity reference or Document reference. Example get the reference substance name linked to a ‘SUBSTANCE’ document:
<#assign referenceSubstance = iuclid.getDocumentForKey(substance.ReferenceSubstance.ReferenceSubstance)/>
Entity and Document | iuclid.getSectionDocumentsForParentKey(<root entity>.documentKey, "<document type>", "<document sub type") / |
This function returns a section document key. The function should be iterated using #list to fetch all section documents Example get a list of keys for all ‘FLEXIBLE_RECORD.IntermediateEffects’ documents.
Sorting (Entity, Document, Repeatable block) | iuclid.sortByField(<sequence that needs sorting>, “<IUCLID field path to picklist>”, <list of phrases in order of preference> /> |
This function sorts an order of returned values based on the order of picklist phrases This function could condition a returned set of IUCLID Documents, e.g.:
Example return a list of studies by the order of phrases assigned in:
*Note that ‘study’ represents a sequence of IUCLID endpoint documents, e.g. for ‘Explosiveness’:
Document | iuclid.getHistoryForDocumentKey(<document variable>.documentKey) |
This function gets the history of user modifications. To get the list, you need to list through the Directive used to get the document key. Example (get the history of a document):
Field | iuclid.localizedPhraseDefinitionFor(<field path>.code, locale) |
This function gets the phrase definition of a picklist. The returned value can then be used to get either (if content is available):
To get languages other than the default ‘locale’ (i.e. English), you do not use the above function. Instead, you list through the:
Here is an example for "FLEXIBLE_RECORD.SDSInfoMixtures":
Field | iuclid.getMetadataForAttachment(<path to attachment>) |
This function gets the metadata object for an attachment in IUCLID. The objects available are listed below, including the variable to use to extract that object:
Example 1 (get structural formula attachment data in reference substance):
Example 2a (get the image of a file, using:
Example 2b (Get the multilingual text of an 'other' text field in a phrase)
Field | .hasElement |
The function .hasElement works with variables that point to IUCLID data structure elements such as IUCLID Blocks of Fields. The function is useful in checking what should be included or excluded as part of a Freemarker #if condition. For example, if you want to return the following field path element
in the block:
The .hasElement function is distinguished from the Freemarker ?has_content function as this checks if a variable is true or not and applies to any freemarker variable pointing to IUCLID documents, strings etc |
Field | iuclid.label for=<field path variable> var="<user-define variable name>" |
This function is called to retrieve the IUCLID field label name (as shown in the user interface) Example
List of reusable datatypes (available when using macros_common_general.ftl, a common module available from GitHub)
Macro name to call | Field (Data)Type in IUCLID |
Text | <@com.text |
Picklist | <@com.picklist |
Multi-Picklist | <@com.picklistMultiple |
Numeric | <@com.number |
Rich Text | <@com.richText |
Range | <@com.range |
Quantity | <@com.quantity |
use this macro to call any of the above datatypes | <@com.value |
List of reusable Reference Substance fields
Macro name to call | IUCLID field path |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.ReferenceSubstanceName | <@com.referenceSubstanceName com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.MolecularFormula | <@com.molecularFormula com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.MolecularWeightRange | <@com.molecularWeight com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.ChemicalStructureFiles | <@com.chemicalStructureFiles com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.InChl | <@com.inchi com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.SmilesNotation | <@com.smilesNotation com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.MolecularStructuralInfo.Remarks | <@com.molecularStructuralRemarks com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.IupacName | <@com.iupacName com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.Description | <@com.description com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.Inventory.CASNumber | <@com.casNumber com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.Synonyms.Synonyms | <@com.synonyms com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
REFERENCE_SUBSTANCE.Inventory.CASName | <@com.casName com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
(Reference substance confidentiality flag, note this is a node not a field path) |
<@com.referenceSubstanceFlags com.getReferenceSubstanceKey |
List of in-built paths to get certain elements of data that are not provisioned for in the common modules
Name of built-in | Mapping in IUCLID |
${<documentNode>.name} |
Used to retrieve the name value given by a user for a document , such as the name given to a study summary or the name given to a dossier header |
${<documentNode>.documentKey.uuid} |
Used to retrieve the UUID for a document |
List of reusable node_types that are available under a document
's element node
Name of node_type | Mapping in IUCLID |
data_protection |
Refers to Flags field, e.g. the field containing CBI flags |
address |
integer |
address |
boolean |
Refers to fields that are ither true or false, for example the Key Result field in many Effec Levels' repeatable blocks |
decimal |
date |
quantity |
range |
picklist_single |
Refers to a picklist (phrasegroup) in which only one phrase can be selected |
picklist_multi |
Refers to a picklist (phrasegroup) in which more than one phrase can be selected |
document_reference |
Refers to a single cross-reference with another document , for example a reference to a single Test Material |
document_references |
Refers to cross-references to with (potentially) two or more other document 's, for example, a reference to Additional Test Materials |
attachment |
Refers to a single attachment, for example the Attached Justification in study summaries |
attachments |
Refers to (potentially) two or more attachments, for example the attachments that can be added to the meta data of a Document |
section_types |
repeatable |
Refers to a path to a repeatable block of information, such as an Effect Levels' repeatable block |
Other types of data that can be retrieved by the Report Generator using the common module macros_common_general.ftl
Type of data retrieval |
Description |
sub entity |
This function can be called to retrieve the sub-entity of a parent entity. The function permits the user to retrieve one or, a combination of the following:
The sub entity UUID can be retrieved directly with:
To retrieve the sub-entity key in order to retrieve data from the sub-entity, you call from macros_common_general.ftl the following Directive:
From here, you can get the contents as needed, from the sub-entity, e.g.:
inbound references |
This function can be called from the common module 'macros_common_general' and retrieves the inbound reference(s) from a document or entity (i.e. the references being made to that document or entity) Example