IUCLID updated in ECHA Cloud Services

IUCLID in the ECHA Cloud Services has been updated to provide improvements and fixes

A maintenance release of IUCLID 6, version 5.7.0, has been deployed to the ECHA Cloud Services. The new version includes improvements and fixes such as:

  • Direct access to the new navigation tree to manage datasets information
  • Reorder repeatable items
  • Annotations are now accessible again for datasets and entities
  • Advanced settings are available when using the validation assistant on a dataset

More information can be found in the release notes published on the IUCLID website.

The changes made in this new version, and additional enhancements, will be included in the next public release of IUCLID, which is scheduled for the 28th of April 2021.

Additional information

Release notes | ECHA Cloud Services | LinkedIn group