IUCLID moves to using Open Java

From the next release of IUCLID, which is due on 24th April, IUCLID will be bundled with Open JDK instead of the Oracle JDK used in the past.

This is due to a change in the way Oracle provides support. See the following link for more details https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/java-se-support-roadmap.html. This change can affect the users of the IUCLID Server, and so we thought it best to inform you in case you need to make any adaptations before being able to install the new release of IUCLID.

IUCLID 6 Server and IUCLID 6 Desktop are delivered with a version of Java that is compatible with Windows. The Desktop version is also available for macOS users. In the April release, this version of Java will be Azul Zulu Open JDK 8. Therefore, to run IUCLID on Windows, or the Desktop version on macOS, the next release will come with all you need.

To run IUCLID 6 Server on a Linux or Unix platform, a corresponding Open JDK 8 is required. IUCLID 6 Server does not depend on any specific Open JDK 8 distribution; though testing was performed with Red Hat and Azul Zulu Open JDK.

If users of IUCLID 6 Server are planning to access the classic user interface, then it is required that the client machine has a Java 8 distribution installed that has support for Java Web Start technology. The client users connecting to a IUCLID server will then have the following options:

  • Java Web Start is known to be supported by Oracle Java 8; so one option is to continue using it if you can;
  • If not, we recommend the latest supplemental version of Red Hat Open JDK 8 for Windows. Only the supplemental version supports Webstart.*

See also

IUCLID LinkedIn group

*Last edited on 05/04/2019