
ECHA provides the products available below as a courtesy to users that need to use older versions. The products available here are no longer supported by ECHA. These products may have various bugs and possibly security issues associated with them. ECHA in no way recommends these products be used in a live, production environment. Any use of a product on this page is at the sole discretion of the user and ECHA assumes no responsibility for any resulting problems.
In case the software you are looking for would not be available on this page, please contact the ECHA Helpdesk.

The latest release notes are available on the main download page. Release notes for older versions of IUCLID are available here.

IUCLID 6 Desktop version installer (5th February 2024 - v7.12.4)

This download provides all you need to run the IUCLID 6 as a desktop application on a 64-bit computer running Microsoft Windows.

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IUCLID 6 updater (5th February 2024 - v7.12.4) - Windows

This download provides all you need to upgrade your existing IUCLID 6 application, Desktop or Server, on a 64-bit computer running Microsoft Windows. If you need a 32-bit compatible updater, please contact the ECHA Helpdesk. A detailed description of the installation, configuration, and update of IUCLID 6 Server is provided in the document Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Data transfer tool (5th February 2024 - v7.12.4)

This tool can transfer data from an existing IUCLID 6 database to a new one. This tool can be used to transfer data from a Derby or Oracle database to PostgreSQL.

Instructions on how to run this tool can be found in the Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Data transfer tool (28th February 2023 - v6.27.7)

This tool can transfer data from an existing IUCLID 6 database to a new one. This tool can be used to transfer data from a Derby or Oracle database to PostgreSQL.

Instructions on how to run this tool can be found in the Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 updater (5th February 2024 - v7.12.4) - Linux

This download provides all you need to upgrade your existing IUCLID 6 application, Desktop or Server, on a computer running Linux. A detailed description of the installation, configuration, and update of IUCLID 6 Server is provided in the document Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Updater (2nd May 2024 - v6.27.8) - Windows

This download provides all you need to upgrade your existing IUCLID 6 application, Desktop or Server, on a 64-bit computer running Microsoft Windows. If you need a 32-bit compatible updater, please contact the ECHA Helpdesk. A detailed description of the installation, configuration, and update of IUCLID 6 Server is provided in the document Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Updater (2nd May 2024 - v6.27.8) - Linux

This download provides all you need to upgrade your existing IUCLID 6 application, Desktop or Server, on a computer running Linux. A detailed description of the installation, configuration, and update of IUCLID 6 Server is provided in the document Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Server (2nd May 2024 - v6.27.8) - Windows

IUCLID 6 Server can be installed in a multi-user environment using client-server architecture. This package contains all necessary software to run the IUCLID 6 Server, including its application server. Installation instructions are available on the documentation page.

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IUCLID 6 Server (2nd May 2024 - v6.27.8) - Linux

IUCLID 6 Server can be installed in a multi-user environment using client-server architecture. This package contains all necessary software to run the IUCLID 6 Server in a Linux environment, including its application server. Installation instructions are provided in the document Installation and Update Instructions for IUCLID 6 Server.

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IUCLID 6 Desktop version installer (2nd May 2024 - v6.27.8)

This download provides all you need to run the IUCLID 6 as a desktop application on a 64-bit computer running Microsoft Windows.

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IUCLID 6 Desktop version installer (28th April 2021 - v5.15.0)

This download provides all you need to run the IUCLID 6 as a desktop application on a 64-bit computer running Microsoft Windows.

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IUCLID 6 Server (December 2020 - v5.4.1) - Windows

IUCLID 6 Server can be installed in a multi-user environment using client-server architecture. This package contains all necessary software to run the IUCLID 6 Server, including its application server. Installation instructions are available on the documentation page.

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IUCLID 6 Server (December 2020 - v5.4.1) - Linux

IUCLID 6 Server can be installed in a multi-user environment using client-server architecture. This package contains all necessary software to run the IUCLID 6 Server, including its application server. Installation instructions are available on the documentation page.

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IUCLID 6 Server (7th August 2020 - v4.14.2) - Linux

IUCLID 6 Server can be installed in a multi-user environment using client-server architecture. This package contains all necessary software to run the IUCLID 6 Server, including its application server. Installation instructions are available on the documentation page.

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