Get IUCLID data
On these pages, ECHA publishes the following non-confidential data in IUCLID 6 format.
- Reference substances: A Reference substance is a software entity in IUCLID that is used to define the identity of a Substance, or a component within it, in such a way that the definition may be re-used in more than one location. This provides consistency and avoids duplication of work. A Reference substance contains chemical identifiers and structural information. Reference substances can be created in IUCLID but you may find it more efficient to take a ready-made one from this collection and import it in to IUCLID. There are thousands available, but it is possible to search for and download only what you need.
- IUCLID inventories: Chemical inventories are a type of data in IUCLID that is used as a source of chemical identifiers that have been defined outside IUCLID. A link can be created from a Reference substance to an inventory entry. This provides the Reference substance with information on chemical identity in a re-usable way, and in a standard format. For example, the EC Inventory contains chemical identifiers such as EC numbers, CAS numbers and molecular formulae. It is delivered with IUCLID 6 Desktop, but not with IUCLID 6 Server. The EC Inventory is available for download here.
- REACH Study Results: REACH Study Results is a collection of non-confidential substance data that was submitted to ECHA under the REACH regulation. It contains results from studies that relate to physical-chemical properties, environmental fate and pathways, and ecotoxicology and toxicological information.
- Industry data contribution: Previously unpublished data on chemicals tested to develop medicines is now publicly available. The information can contribute, among other purposes, to the development of predictive computational testing models.
- US FDA toxicity data: These data, provided by the United States Food and Drug Administration, contain pre-clinical animal, and clinical human data. The animal data are based on test results extracted from pharmacological reviews, including studies of types: repeat-dose, carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity. The human data are derived from structured product labels.