IUCLID website switches to ECHA user accounts

The same log in credentials can be used to log in to all sites and tools provided by ECHA.

From 15th November 2018 logging in to the IUCLID website can be done using only an ECHA account. Users of ECHA Cloud Services, REACH-IT, R4BP 3 or ePIC already have such an account, and will be able to log in to the IUCLID website with their ECHA account.

After the change, it will not be possible to log in to the existing accounts on the IUCLID website. If you do not have an ECHA account but want to continue to have access to the IUCLID website, you will have to create one, which can be done via the IUCLID website from November 15th. Also, if you want to continue receiving IUCLID news alerts to your mailbox, you must activate the relevant options under My Account.

Whilst these changes are being made, the IUCLID website will be off-line from 17:00 on Wednesday 14th November, to 12:00 on Thursday 15th November.

This change in the way accounts are managed has been done to provide a more convenient and consistent overall experience across all sites and tools provided by ECHA.

Additional information

IUCLID website | IUCLID LinkedIn group